Friday, October 4, 2013

Celebrating The Small Things

This sure has been one of those make lemonade weeks!
Despite the many ups and downs of a rather turbulent work week, I had to find some time for some gratitude. Running across a blog roll called "Celebrate The Small Things" was just the inspiration I needed. What a wonderful idea to take a moment to celebrate our small and large successes, and share them with others, so we can all inspire and encourage each other.
If you want to connect with the other bloggers that are a part of the blog roll, check out my blog roll page. 

So lets celebrate together, shall we?

This week I am celebrating:
  • connecting with fellow writers from #fridayflash
  • that the skinny little cat that found itself on our doorsteps a few weeks ago, is now a healthy, growing cat, who seems to love his new home and life as an indoor cat. 
  • finding inspiration when I am not looking for it - watching others succeed just inspire me to move closer toward my goals. 
  • how easy it is to connect to people all over the world, whom I otherwise would never come in contact with. How much these interactions have touched my little corner of the Universe. I am so glad to have connected with YOU!
Your turn now - what are you celebrating? 

Hugs and blessings! 


  1. Glad you've joined in this blog hop! And you have wonderful celebrations. No matter what craziness happens through the week, usually some good things can be found and celebrated!

    I'll have to look into that Friday Flash. Writer’s Mark

    1. thanks Nancy, thanks for stopping by - "see" you at Friday Flash!

  2. What great things to celebrate! And I'm sure your new cat will be celebrating finding such a wonderful new home too.

  3. What great celebrations and hurrah to a new happy cat
