Saturday, November 9, 2013

Celebrate The Small Things - All's Well That Ends Well

"All's Well That Ends Well"

Indeed the theme of the week.

After a rather turbulent last few days, and no sure end in sight, finally, what I had planned for has come forth. While I can not go into details, I am tremendously grateful that the opportunity I was hoping for, occurred and exactly in the time frame I hoped, even though it did not look like it would. I really do not like last minute things, it makes me nervous and questions my resolve. I rather plan, know when things should occur, how to do something, maybe even over-prepare, but then life happens, and life is certainly not always that neat, at least not for me, lol.

I am  also grateful that, while this new "adventure" will cause more work for me, my daughter offered to help me where ever she can. She is such a wonderful young woman, and I am incredibly proud of how grown up and centered she is, even though she is not 16 yet - at least until December.

Thor 2 is out - which is another wonderful thing to be grateful for. We won't have time to watch it until next week, but as Marvel fans the entire family is exited about this movie. So guess I am grateful for Marvel and the whole Avengers franchise - yes I am a Geek, lol.

I hope you all had many things to celebrate, many occasions to spend in happiness and blessed to be surrounded by people you love and love you.

Hugs and Blessings



  1. Congratulations on this wonderful opportunity coming your way. It sounds like you did a great job raising your daughter. Have a great week.
